
Where is the Aurat March heading?

By Afiya S. Zia Published in DAWN on March 07,  2022 Since 2018, the Aurat March annual events have reclaimed the publics across different cities of Pakistan and have provoked political reaction, inspired scholarly papers, and stirred donor research interest. But four years on, have they achieved tangible political outcomes, and can these be expected to graduate […]



Islamic banks witness rapid growth

By Salman Siddiqui Published in The Express Tribune on March 06, 2022 KARACHI: The Shariah-compliant banks in Pakistan are growing at a rapid pace compared to conventional counterparts as a strong preference for “markup-free banking” has emerged among the people and businessmen of Pakistan. “The deposits of Islamic banks have grown at 10-year CAGR (compound average growth[…]



A hasty census exercise

By Zeba Sathar Published in DAWN on March 05, 2022 THE decision to hold the seventh population and housing census during the month of August is now official. It was approved by the Council of Common Interests on Jan 13, 2022. The N3C (National Census Coordination Centre) has been set up to oversee the actual census. The[…]