Mapping the conditions of women and children in Pakistan

By Mahnaz Rahman Published in The News on August 14, 2022 In 2020, the UN Secretary-General Ant—nio Guterres’ delivered remarks on “Women and Power” at The New School in New York: “The women’s rights movement came of age in the twentieth century. Women Heads of State dispelled any doubts about women’s ability to lead. The Universal Declaration […]



The gender gap

By Rafia Zakaria Published in DAWN on July 20, 2022 THE World Economic Forum recently released the Global Gender Gap Report, 2022. The report quantifies how big the gender gap is in areas including educational attainment, economic participation, health and political empowerment. The news is predictably awful. Pakistan is placed second last. Out of the 146 countries[…]

IMF money may arrive in Pakistan’s account by August-end

By Khaleeq Kiani Published in DAWN on August 13, 2022 ISLAMABAD: The Inter­nat­ional Monetary Fund (IMF) has convened a meeting of its executive board on August 29 to approve a bailout package for Pakistan, including disbursement of about $1.18bn, before the close of current month. The move follows the completion of the $4 billion in bilateral financing[…]