
Current economic trends

By Dr Hafiz A Pasha Published in Business Recorder on January 11, 2021 The first six months of 2021-22 have come to an end. This is an appropriate time to identify the ongoing economic trends from the viewpoint of assessing the prospects for the remainder of the year. Highlighted below are some of the positive and the […]



Growing inequality worries businesses

By Afshan Subohi Published in DAWN on January 10, 2022 THE business community is worried over the deepening and widening income/asset disparity in the country as the resulting social and economic discontent may ignite unrest and, in turn, threaten businesses and their future outlook. Business leaders partially blame the elite for the malaise, but hold the government[…]



World inequality report 2022

By Thomas Piketty , Lucas Chancel , Emmanuel Saez , Gabriel Zucman Published in cadtm.org on December 12, 2021 The job of holding up a mirror to the world can be a frustrating one. When the news is persistently bad, when the mirror highlights more wrinkles than we want to face up to, it is easy enough[…]