
Rolling back the NFC award

By Khurram Husain Published in Dawn on August 10, 2023 AS the country’s fiscal predicament deteriorates, a line has increasingly been doing the rounds that the 18th Amendment and the NFC award of 2009 are responsible for this situation and need to be rolled back. At the top of the list is the revenue-sharing formula ushered in […]



Institutionalising army’s role in business

By Nasir Jamal Published in Dawn on August 07, 2023 The formation of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) — a ‘hybrid’ civil-military forum created to attract investment from the Gulf countries — anticipates the civilian leadership’s failure to ensure policy predictability, continuity, or execution. At the same time, the initiative has “institutionalised” the army’s increasing role[…]

Back from the brink

By Dr Khaqan Hassan Najeeb Published in The News on August 06, 2023 The Stand-by Arrangement (SBA) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has pulled the country back from the brink of default. The SBA gives Pakistan some breathing space for the needed policy adjustments to be undertaken in an orderly environment. This will help restore macro[…]