
The competition gap

By Amber Darr Published in Dawn on May 28, 2023 THE promulgation of Pakistan’s first Competition Ordinance in October 2007, in the same week as the more infamous National Reconciliation Ordinance, was a legislative non-event. Not only was the country preoccupied with the increasingly vociferous calls for general elections but also the subject of competition was too […]



Economic architecture

By Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry Published in Dawn on May 28, 2023 THE US is having second thoughts about the Washington Consensus it had evolved in the 1990s. At that time, the Cold War with the Soviet Union had just ended, and the world had moved into the phase of globalisation and interdependence. It seemed then that the[…]

The Return of Industrial Policy

Published in International Monetary Fund Should developing economies follow the United States and China by building national champions? Geopolitics is rapidly changing the landscape of world trade. The policy environment of just a few decades ago seems like a distant memory. During the reform period of the 1990s and 2000s, developing and transition economies opened up their[…]