
Structural adjustment flops

By Abbas Moosvi Published in The Express Tribune on March 16, 2023 Structural adjustment programmes by the IMF have been characterised, in the neoliberal era, by two overarching goals: a) macroeconomic stabilisation via a reduction in the fiscal deficit, mitigation of the rate of inflation, and improvement in the current account; and b) privatisation/ denationalisation. The first […]

Indus Waters Treaty under threat: Part – I

By Shafqat Kakakhel Published in The News on March 12, 2023 On January 25, the Indian government proposed, through a communication from the Indian Indus commissioner to his Pakistani counterpart, bilateral negotiations – to commence within ninety days – on modifying the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) signed in September 1960. The text of the Indian communication is[…]



Pakistan to miss wheat production target, again

By Mehtab Haider Published in The News on March 11, 2023 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s wheat production target is likely to hit by 1.7 million tonnes for the current fiscal year as the Met office has forecast heavy rains for two weeks, starting from the third week of March. Officials said on Friday that wheat production in Punjab is[…]