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CIMRAD, Print Media

Migrant workers face layoffs

Published in The Express Tribune on October 29, 2020 LAHORE: Around 90 million people are expected to fall into poverty as a repercussion of Covid-19, and the future of migrant workers of the South and South-East Asian economies does not seem encouraging, said Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora […]


CIMRAD, Print Media

The puzzling increase in remittances

By Dr Junaid Ahmed Published in The Express Tribune on October 28, 2020 Like many developing countries, Pakistan heavily relies on international remittances to sustain its economy. The money sent by overseas Pakistanis even exceeds the country’s export receipts. Any shock to remittance inflows can therefore have a significant impact[…]


Print Media

Will IMF learn?

By Rashid Amjad Published in DAWN on October 26, 2020 IT is now over eight months since the last IMF review in February 2020, and the next tranche of payment due as part of the IMF programme that Pakistan signed in July 2019 is still not forthcoming. The IMF needs[…]

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