
Had negotiated much better deal with IMF in 2019, says Younus Dagha

By Mehtab Haider Published in DAWN on January 02, 2022 ISLAMABAD: While severely criticising different clauses of controversial SBP Amendment Bill 2021, former secretary Finance Younus Dagha made a startling disclosure that they had negotiated a much better deal with the IMF in Washington back in February 2019 but then everything got reversed with the replacement of […]

Mini budget: a bitter bill to swallow

Published in DAWN on January 01, 2022 THE Finance Supplementary Bill, 2021, that has been popularly described as a ‘mini budget’ was introduced on Thursday by the government in the National Assembly to loud protests from the opposition ranks. The move is aimed at netting additional revenues to the tune of Rs343bn, or equal to 0.6pc of[…]



Our monetary stimuli

By Riaz Riazuddin Published in DAWN on December 30, 2021 WHAT is a monetary stimulus? An amusing but apt way to understand it is to recall Woody Allen’s movie Take the Money and Run. Interpret ‘take’ as borrow and ‘run’ as running the affairs of government. In the movie, Woody Allen could neither rob nor run, despite[…]