By Riaz Riazuddin Published in DAWN on December 17, 2021 OUR average monthly wage has risen from Rs6,612 in 2007-08 to Rs21,326 in 2018-19, according to the Labour Force Survey 2018-19 (LFS). In between these 11 years, the average wage increase was 11.2 per cent per annum, somewhat higher than the average yearly inflation rate of 8.9pc. […]
Published in on December 16, 2021 Among South Asian economies, Bangladesh is touted as a rising star. In 2019, its per capita income was $1,856—substantially higher than Pakistan’s $1,285 and only $250 less than that of India. In 2020, Bangladesh might have edged ahead of India because it registered a growth rate of 2.4 percent whereas India’s GDP shrank by 7.3 percent.[…]
By Ishrat Husain Published in DAWN on December 16, 2021 BANGLADESH is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Once called a “basket case” by Henry Kissinger, it is now considered as a role model. Bangladesh’s national income has multiplied 50 times, per capita income 25 times (higher than India’s and Pakistan’s), and food production four times. Population growth was[…]