Crisis looming

By Khurram Husain Published in Dawn, October 21, 2021 RARELY have I seen a ruler so oblivious to the tsunami heading his way. While the prime minister is busy preaching family values to the country on a daily basis, the spiral of inflation that is heading in our direction once the combined impact of the petrol and […]



Markets and disinformation

By Ishrat Husain Published in Dawn, October 21, 2021 MARKETS can allocate resources efficiently when there is competition among sellers and buyers. In order to have competitive markets certain conditions have to be met. Among others, there have to be multiple buyers and sellers who have the relevant information to make rational decisions and firms should have[…]



Current account remains in deficit despite jump in exports

By Omar Qureshi Published in The Express Tribune on October 20, 2021 KARACHI: Pakistan’s current account deficit – country’s higher foreign expenditures compared to income – remained elevated at $3.4 billion during the first quarter (July-September) of fiscal year 2021-22 in wake of spike in imports coupled with higher international commodity prices. According to the State Bank[…]