
Growth versus stability

By Rashid Amjad Published in DAWN on January 04, 2021 THE consensus amongst the economic policymaking triumvirate in government — finance, planning and State Bank — that an IMF-prescribed economic stability package was the only solution to Pakistan’s economic ills and road to eventual growth has begin to show cracks. And as in previous times, it is […]

COVID-19 and systemic resilience : rethinking the impacts of migrant workers and labour migration policies

Published in Cadmus This paper argues that concerns about the resilience of essential services require a reassessment of the impacts of migrant workers and the design of labour migration and related public policies. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the high share of migrants among ‘key workers’ who deliver essential services, notably in agriculture and food production, health services[…]

Heavily in debt

Published in DAWN on December 19, 2020 PAKISTAN’S foreign debt and liabilities have been increasing rapidly over the last several years. The government is forced to borrow heavily from external sources — including multilateral and bilateral creditors, and commercial lenders — in order to meet its foreign debt repayment obligations, as well as to finance its budget,[…]